Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

Opening Image

We’re introduced to the original Spider-Man we all know and love. A quick montage takes us through his history, influence and impact on the world. He’s confident about his mission to save the world one day at a time, knowing very well that if he won’t no one else will, after all there’s only one Spider-Man.

Set Up

We meet Miles Morales, a teenager who’s starting his first day in boarding school even though he would prefer attending his old regular one, but it’s his dad who insisted on the transfer after he won his seat in a lottery. We learn that Miles has no say in matters that concern him as all his choices are made for him by his father and as a rather frail act of rebellion, he refuses to tie his shoelaces, stating that it’s his choice to have them untied.

The scene where Miles’ dad forces him to state that he loves him is meant to be a comedic moment but it again stresses upon how Miles is just being forced into doing things.

As a way to leave his mark in the world, Miles is constantly seen leaving stickers around the city. However, these are irrelevant at best and won’t compare to what he’s going to achieve later on in the film

Miles deliberately tries to fail in his tests so that he’ll be expelled but his teacher is onto him. In order to help him with a little self discovery, she tells him to write an essay on the type of person he thinks he is and that the type of person he aspires to be. The task seems more difficult that it should be for Miles as he’s never had to make difficult choices or strive for his place in the world, so he instead heads out to meet his uncle Aaron who he adores. Aaron seems to be the only one who appreciates Miles for who he is and encourages him to express himself through his art.


Miles struggles to cope with his new classes and arrives late to a class where an educational video is being viewed regarding the existence of multiple parallel universes. This is more or a blink-and-miss moment but it subtly establishes the key element that the plot revolves around.


Miles is bitten by a spider when he and Aaron head to an abandoned subway station to paint graffiti. The next day, he wakes up and finds that he’s grown substantially and that he can stick to walls.


Terrified, he tries to reach his uncle but isn’t able to, he thinks about calling his dad but decides against it, knowing that he wouldn’t understand. He heads back to the subway in an attempt to find answers but instead finds himself in the middle of a fight between Spider-Man and the Green Goblin. During the confusion, Spidey swings Miles to safety and realizes that they share a connection through their powers. He instantly offers Miles help and guidance once this matter has been dealt with.

The Kingpin is trying to open a portal to other dimensions and Spidey is trying to stop that from happening due to the risks. Spidey tries to insert an override key into the collider but is attacked by the Prowler, one of the Kingpin’s henchmen, Miles tries to help but realizes he’s out of his depth. Soon enough Spidey is exposed to the beam the collider emits and it results in an explosion.

Miles tries to get Spidey out of the debris but he insists that the task needs to be completed first and so hands him the key. As Miles heads to the top, he witnesses Kingpin killing Spidey and getting ready to reactivate the machine.

Break Into Two

Miles sees news reports of Spidey’s death and buys a Spider-Man costume as he reluctantly begins his mission. However, while trying to test his powers, he ends up falling from a building and breaking the override key. It is interesting to note that he falls after stepping on his shoelace, which acts as a metaphor that he’s not in control of himself.

B Story

With his spirit broken, Miles visits Peter’s grave and confesses that he cannot do this without Spidey’s guidance and mentor-ship. As a response to this, Miles is startled by another Spider-Man and we run through another montage of this version of Spidey. We learn that he isn’t the usual optimistic version of Spider-Man, he’s worn down and exhausted, primarily due to his failed marriage to Mary Jane, who wanted to have children while he didn’t.

The relationship this Spider-Man forms with Miles proves to be vital for them in the end, but for now it serves as a barrier that restricts them from succeeding with their mission.

Fun and Games

Right off the bat, the two Spider-men don’t get along well, Miles needs guidance to learn how to master his powers but Peter just wants to go back to his dead end life. Eventually, they agree on heading to Alchemax but Peter insists on going it alone, while Miles is eager to help. However, when Miles spots Kingpin entering the facility, he decides to go as well, refusing to just stand aside like last time, and Peter admits that having an ally on the field is a nice change of pace.


Peter gets to work on getting some intel while Miles tries to mimic his movements but isn’t able to. Peter manages to talk Miles through it all before he meets the scientist working for Kingpin and it’s revealed that she’s this world’s version of Doctor Octopus.

While making their escape, Peter swings effortlessly while Miles struggles to stay off the ground. After a bit of trial and error Miles gets the hang of it, allowing him to swing in unison with Peter, marking the first time he has been able to make major progress with handling his powers and also the first time Peter acknowledges that they make a good team. Peter also tells Miles that he’s proud of him, like a father would to his son. The main plot comes back in play when Spider-Gwen joins them.

Bad Guys Close In

After the heroes escape we learn the Kingpin’s motivations, during an old fight with Spider-Man, his wife and son witness his true self. Horrified with what they’ve seen, they rush out of their home and meet with an accident. So now Kingpin searches the multi-verse for another version of his family that will replace the one he lost.

The heroes head to Aunt May’s and she leads them to a secret lair wherein they meet three other Spider men and rebuild the override key. Miles looks at all the spider suits in awe but his reflection doesn’t align quite right with the suit, meaning he still has to earn the privilege to put one on.

The heroes put together a plan to send everyone back home and shut down the device for good, when Miles opts to be the one to shut down the collider, the team is skeptical because he’s still an amateur and they don’t think he’ll be able to see it through. He gets so overwhelmed by the expectations set by the other heroes that he decides it’s best for him to leave. Miles heads to his uncle’s apartment only to learn that he is the Prowler so he rushes back to May’s to warn the others but doesn’t realize he’s being followed by the villains.

All Is Lost

Amidst the chaos, Miles gets his hands on the key and the Prowler manages to corner him on the roof. With no way out, Miles decides to unmask before Prowler can kill him. Realizing that he’s been chasing his nephew the whole time, Aaron isn’t able to deliver the killing blow, which the Kingpin notices so he kills Aaron.

Miles grabs hold of Aaron and swings down to an alley, in his dying breath Aaron tells him that he’s the best of them and that he can’t quit just yet. Miles’ dad follows him to the alley and on seeing the dead body of his brother, deems Spider-Man to be a wanted suspect.

To make things worse for Miles, the other heroes decide to leave without him and Peter agrees to be the one to stay back and shut down the collider. Miles disagrees but Peter knows that as his current state, Miles could end up dying and so makes the choice for him against his will, just like his father has been doing his whole life.

Dark Night of the Soul

Miles’ dad shows up at his door and apologizes for the way things are, telling him that the only reason he keeps pushing him is because he knows that he’s got great potential and he wants Miles to be able to capitalize on it. Miles realizes that his uncle and his dad weren’t so different after all, they both saw the same spark in him and only wanted what’s best. Miles digs deep and gains control over his powers and heads back out.

Break Into Three

Miles heads back to the lair and this time his reflection aligns perfectly with the costume, he gives the classic suit his own unique spin and then heads out. The B story crosses over with the main plot when Miles becomes ready and accepts his destiny as Spider-Man and also when he remembers what Peter told him about the leap of faith.


The other heroes arrive at the collider and Fisk begins searching the multi-verse for his family. A fight ensues, Miles joins it and soon enough everyone is sent home. Throughout the fight, Miles shows Peter how much he has learnt and even managed to surpass him.

Miles takes on Kingpin alone but isn’t able to beat him. He’s motivated to get back up when he sees his dad encouraging him, making it the first time his father is supportive of the choice Miles has made himself.

Closing Image

Miles is now confident about his powers and responsibilities as Spider-Man just like the original version at the beginning of the film, but the difference lies when Miles acknowledges that he knows he isn’t the one hero out there, thus forming an opposite of sorts of the opening image.

Additionally, at the beginning of the film Miles would leave stickers around on the street, which could easily be removed and forgotten, but as Spider-Man, he leaves one on top of a gargoyle, knowing well that no one can take that away from him, it acts as a metaphor for the new heights he’s on his way to achieve.

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