Iron Man Beat Sheet

Opening Image

Tony Stark is being transported in a military convoy when it is suddenly attacked. While trying to escape, a missile lands right next to him before exploding, one its side where the words ‘Stark Industries’

Visionary, genius, American patriot. Being the face of a weapon’s industry, Tony is called is a lot of great things that he doesn’t really approve of. When being presented with an award for his work, he doesn’t even bother showing up, instead Obadiah Stane collects it for him as Stane represents the negative side of Tony who approves of the meaningless titles the world grants him.


Tony is stopped for a short interview wherein his current position as being the “merchant of death” is questioned. His entire existence has been linked solely to his weapons but he sees no problem with it. He believes that his current occupation makes him a hero, without worrying or caring about how they’re used and the lives it destroys.

Set Up

We’re introduced to the supporting characters in the movie, Pepper Potts who is Tony’s personal assistant, James “Rhodey” Rhodes probably the only friend Tony’s ever had and Obadiah Stane who is Stark’s mentor.

Stark is taken to Afghanistan for his presentation of the Jericho missile, yet another weapon he is proud of that is capable of destroying everything in sight.


After the attack, Tony’s chest is hooked to a device that is meant to prevent shrapnel from entering his chest, the surgery was performed by Ho Yinsen. The terrorists who have captured him demand that he build them a Jericho missile, when being taken around their base, Tony sees that its filled with all sorts of Stark weaponry.


Realizing that it was his own life’s work that nearly killed him, Tony finally sees how his own life was always on a path of self destruction. Yinsen challenges Tony to turn things around, telling him that should he die here his legacy would only be the weapons that eventually killed him.

Break Into Two

Tony decides to get to work but whatever it is he’s building, it clearly isn’t a missile.

B Story

Yinsen tells Tony that he plans to reunite with his family once they escape and asks him if he has anyone to go home to, Tony says no. Yinsen calls Tony the man who has everything and nothing. Stark realizes just how alone he is when his only friend in the world is a man who has been kidnapped with him.

Further into the movie, this aspect follows Tony’s relationship with Pepper as they slowly grow closer together. Tony realizes Pepper’s importance and starts to value her place in his life, he learns this after he loses the only friend he has right now.

Fun and Games

Tony manages to complete the suit and makes his escape, on his way out he burns all the Stark weaponry the terrorists possess. This works as a metaphor of Tony destroying his old self and heading out into the world to start over.

After he’s rescued, he calls for a press conference and announces that Stark Industries will no longer be manufacturing weapons. After experiencing first hand the dangers of his own products, he decides to make amends. However, Obadiah is trying to drag Tony back to being who he used to be, in more ways than one he’s the personification of Tony’s old self that’s trying to drag him back down.

Later on, Tony asks Pepper to replace the arc reactor with a new one, telling her that she’s all he’s got and that there’s no one else he could turn to for help, making Pepper the new B Story.

After Rhodey refuses to be a part of Tony’s new project, he decides to go it alone and becomes extremely protective of it as he doesn’t know if he can trust anyone.


Here the story gets divided into two parts, each with its own sub divided ‘Midpoint’ and ‘Bad Guys Close In’

The first one being Tony completing the Mark II and taking it out for a test drive, the B story crosses with this segment when Tony comes home to see Pepper has gifted him his old arc reactor as proof that he does “have a heart”. The bad guys begin to make progress when they salvage the remains of the Mark I and when Tony realizes that the terrorists are still receiving Stark weaponry (he’s been locked out of the decision making process by Stane)

The second part begins when Tony suits up with the perfected Mark III suit and destroys all the weapons the terrorists have, the B story comes into play when Pepper walks in on Tony and sees that his suit is riddled with bullet holes. The bad guys close in yet again when it’s revealed that Obadiah had orchestrated the whole attack on Tony and secures the remains of Mark I.

Bad Guys Close In

Pepper finds out that Tony isn’t going to stop until all the Stark weapons in the world are destroyed. Fearing for his safety, she decides to quit telling him that he’s all she’s got as well and that she can’t stand by and watch him kill himself. Tony reminds her that all those years when his weapons were the cause of the deaths of millions she supported him, but now when he’s finally had his eyes opened she chooses to leave him. He assures her that he isn’t crazy and that deep down he knows what he’s doing is right. When trying to procure all of Stark Industries’ files for Tony, Pepper finds out about Obadiah and his deal with the terrorist organization.

All is Lost

Being unable to create another miniature arc reactor, Stane decides to steal the one that’s keeping Tony alive. Before leaving him to die, Obadiah reveals that he will have to kill Pepper as well because she knows too much.

Dark Night of the Soul

Tony crawls down to his workshop to retrieve the obsolete arc reactor. Meanwhile, Pepper and a few Shield agents make a futile attempt to stop Stane.

Break Into Three

Tony suits up and heads out to save Pepper from Stane (B story). When Tony fights Stane he’s essentially fighting his old self, the one who has learned the error of his ways VS the one who believes in war profiteering .


Stane’s suit proves to be too powerful for Tony, so he decides to fly up as high as possible, knowing well that Stane’s suit will freeze as it gains altitude.

But when Tony makes it back to the ground he sees that Stane is still alive. With the suit barely having any power left, he makes a desperate attempt to stall Stane while Pepper powers up the larger model of the arc reactor.

With Stane gone so is Tony’s old self, the explosion knocked Tony out and when he comes to, he is no longer the man he once was.

Closing Image

Tony is given a script as well as a cover up story for last night’s incident, but halfway through he chooses to ignore it.

In the beginning, Tony was a man who was called several things but with no identity of his own. Now, with the first chapter of his journey completed, he finally knows who he is. He isn’t a hero, he isn’t a weapons manufacturer, he is Iron Man.

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